Dignity Amidst The Rubbish: The Book

Dignity Amidst The Rubbish: Hour-by-Hour with a Burmese Migrant Community in Thailand” is a new book of photographs and text depicting the daily lives of members of a migrant community from Burma living and working on a rubbish dump in Mae Sot, Thailand, a stone’s throw from the Burma border.

ActsCo Printing was proud to print 1,200 copies of this 126 page, 8″ x 11″ full color hardbound book for Compasio Relief and Development and author Jeffrey Warner.

Images and prose provide a glimpse into the situations of these individuals and their families: first, an hour-by-hour report of the dump community’s daily activities. It offers an introspective view, revealing insight into aspects of the global human condition and behavior to which we all can relate.

Expanding on this, the powerful influence of environment is explored before those living at this dump express themselves in their own words (in handwritten Burmese, translated to English). Then, sentiments from the general public who have viewed Dignity at exhibitions reveal what this work is about at its core, which is a global issue related to the larger condition of humankind at this moment in time.

See the free preview of “Dignity Amidst The Rubbish: Hour-by-Hour with a Burmese Migrant Community in Thailand” here.


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