Our Small Part In Impacting Thousands Of People At The Abundant Life Festival

Wow! What a privilege it was to be a small part of the big thing God did at the Abundant Life Festival with Franklin Graham here in Chiang Mai, Thailand!

Thousands of people attended. Many lives were transformed. This is a wonderful start for churches to partner together and reach this city with the gospel.

Our part: Printing tickets, posters, banners and many other promotional materials, then passing out thousands of free books to people all over Southeast Asia.

It was very exciting for us!

Numbers from the Abundant Life Festival

The official count from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) was 73,108 attendees with 3,617 decisions made to follow Christ.

ActsCo Printing provides thousands of tickets for the event

We volunteered to print 180,000 tickets for the event, and started a fundraiser to cover our printing costs. (We were only able to raise one fourth of our target amount. You can still donate if you would like.)

Those 180,000 tickets were passed out around the city, and as the event drew closer, they needed to print another 100,000 tickets for more advertising around Chiang Mai.

So ActsCo Printing printed 280,000 tickets for the Abundant Life Festival. Plus, we were happy to provide banners, brochures, posters, and other promotional materials.


ActsCo BookHouse gives away Christian literature by the thousands

Now here’s the fun part.

ActsCo BookHouse was given a prime location near the main entrance where we could give away Christian literature to anyone who passed by! It was an honor to bless tens of thousands of people with quality Christian literature.

See photos of ActsCo BookHouse at the Abundant Life Festival on Facebook!

Here’s a cool time lapse video of the pandemonium that offering free books creates!

Thousands of books, Bibles, Sunday school materials and Christian literature was donated to ActsCo BookHouse by our partner ministries, Love Packages and World Missionary Press.

Make sure you like ActsCo Printing and ActsCo BookHouse on Facebook. And let us know how we can serve you and your organization as well!


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