Acts Multimedia Video Promotion Package for Mission and Non-Profits

In our ActsCo Printing March 2015 newsletter, we mentioned that one of the major obstacles that may hinder you and your organization from success is not having a quality video promo. That’s why we felt very strongly that we should give another quick shout out for Acts Multimedia.

You see, we want to see you succeed! We want to help you enhance your ministry, business or organization with the tools you need to share your vision adequately.

So, here’s what we have for you today:

Acts Multimedia Video Promotion Package for Mission and Non-Profits
3-7 minute professionally shot and edited video, only 7,900 Thai Baht!

Package includes up to 8 hours shooting and can be spread over two days.
Includes assistance with story and script, editing, .mp4 video file and YouTube upload.

Only 5 of these video packages are still available so BOOK NOW!

Here’s an example of some of our work:

Many more examples can be found on our Acts Multimedia video page here.

We sincerely hope that this incredible service and quality video promotion will help you tell your story better. If a photo speaks a thousand words, imagine how much more eloquent a beautifully crafted video is!

We look forward to hearing from you soon!


To book your Video Promotion Package, call Kevin at +66-843749414 or email him at You can also get in touch on our Acts Multimedia page here.




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